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Autumn Term 2013


The Cagebirds

20th - 22nd November, Queens Hall

Birds in a cage live, each totally absorbed in her own particular characteristics. When the Wild One is introduced into their midst by the Mistress in charge of them, she endeavours to persuade them to break out from their self-imposed dependence and imprisonment into the wider world outside.

Directed Scarlet Forrest & Tom Chiverton

Amelia Oliver as Wild One
Aman Bhorjee as Twitting
Elpha Perkins as Thump
Anna Stokes as Gloom:

Scarlet Forrest as Guzzle
Natasha Carlin as Gazer
Bethany Carter-Brown as Gossip
Miriam Keegan as Mistress


27th - 29th November, The Arc

LUTheatre invites you to a production of Samuel Beckett’s darkly humorous and thoughtful masterpiece, Endgame. The play centres on Hamm, who is unable to stand; his servant, Clov, who is unable to sit; and Hamm’s father and mother, Nagg and Nell, who live in bins next to each other. Exploring themes death, bins and a small toy dog, Hamm and his three companions have only each other but how much longer will this last? And when will it end?

Directed by Dom Dichen
Assistant Directed by Matt Mullett


Ed Spence as Hamm
Lucy Middleton as Clov
Ben Crome as Nagg

Risa Mori as Nell

The Lion in Winter

4th - 6th December, Queen's Hall

Christmas, 1183 AD.
King Henry II's three sons all want to inherit his throne, but the king himself won't commit to a choice. This begins a historical drama full of strong characters and secret plots. 

Directed by Jordan Sutton
Assistant Directed by Ben Alborough

Emily Dilworth as Eleanor
Rory O'Sullivan as Henry 
Chris McCann as Richard
Ivo de Jager as John
Alex Hatcher as Geoffrey
Andrew Radford as Philip
Steph Collins as Alice

Spring Term 2014


5th - 7th March, Queens Hall

Eden tells the story of Abel, an enthusiastic novice priest fresh out of the seminary who is beginning to realise the liberal style of thinking he assimilated in France isn't welcome in dictatorial Portugal. He's relieved when he meets the wealthy, eccentric Cesar Barbosa, and finds himself swept up in his new friend's glamorous lifestyle. However, as he finds himself increasingly immersed in the family's issues, he begins to realise things might not be as perfect as they seem...

Written by Ivo de Jager
Directed by Ivo de Jager & Ben Alborough


Chris McCann as Abel Vieira
Scarlet Forrest as Amalia Barbosa
Sofia Aneychik as Cesar Barbosa
Will Bowers as Joaquim Erasmo
Amelia Oliver as Maria 
Emily Dilworth as Guiomar 


Richard III

20th -22nd March, Queen's Hall

2nd - 4th April, Leicester Cathedral


To mark the recovery of King Richard III's remains by University archaeologists
...and the planned reinterment of King Richard at Leicester Cathedral
In association with the Royal Shakespeare Company's Open Stages Project…
LUTheatre revives Richard III in an exciting re-imagining of its award-winning 2003 production - at Leicester University and Leicester Cathedral.

Directed by Roger Scoppie and Lily Portman

Spring Term 2014

The Trial

11th - 13th June

Someone must have been lying about Joseph K.
One fine morning, K is arrested.
Left to go about his daily business, but unaware of the nature of the charges placed against him, K is left alone against the incomprehensible workings of the Law.
And as he delves deeper into the labyrinthine halls of the Court in his search for truth, things are set in motion for an inevitable finale…

Directed by Ed Spence & Nick Palmer

Ivo de Jager as Josef K
Jordan Sutton as Titorelli
Emily Dilworth as Leni
George Seymour as Guard
Steph Collins as Laundress
Alice Jackson as Mrs Grubach
Dominic Dichen as Huld

Lily Portman as Miss Burstner 

Entertaining Mr Sloane

17th - 20th June

Leicester University Theatre is proud to present this special 50th anniversary production of Joe Orton's ground breaking satire of social and sexual hypocrisy!
Mr Sloane is a beautiful, and charming young man, but beneath his gorgeous exterior lies a murky past. When he becomes the lodger of emotionally starved landlady Kath and her repressed brother Ed events take an increasingly dark turn. This black farce plays on unacceptable desires, power struggles and sexual liaisons.
This production is celebrating 50th anniversary of Entertaining Mr Sloane and it is going to be the world premier of this new edition of the play.

Directed by Alex Hatcher and Emma Ingleton

Produced by Alice Jackson and Katherine Knight

Edward Kaye as Mr Sloane
Bethany Carter-Bown as Kath
Douglas Deans as Ed
Adam Unwin as Kemp


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