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Backstage Crew

If you're not interested in getting onstage and basking in the limelight, join our dynamic technical crew, where we provide training for backstage disciplines including stage management, sound and lighting design and operation, set construction, properties, wardrobe and makeup, as well as other areas such as publicity and marketing, and front of house sales!

We're always looking for people who're interested in these areas... no experience necessary, just come and have fun!

Stage Management
A Stage Manager's job is to help co-ordinate all of the backstage disciplines for each production, ensuring that everyone and everything is in the right place at the right time! 
During each show, the Stage Manager and their team also stay in contact with the rest of the backstage crew in order to make sure everything runs smoothly. It's a very diverse job and a really good way to get involved in productions if being onstage isn't for you!


he Tech Crew's job is to work with the directors to design technical aspects. The week before a show, a Tech Day is held where all of the lighting and sound is designed, rigged, programmed and then run with the actors and directors. We have a wide range of technical equipment and are happy to teach anyone, even if they have no prior experience

Set, Costume and Props
The Stage Manager will organise a production meeting for each upcoming show. This gives backstage crews an opportunity to meet directors and find out details about what is needed for each production. We have a large store of costume, furniture and props, but anything that cannot be sourced or made from our current items can be bought or hired.
Sometimes members who are helping with set, costume or props will also be needed backstage during the shows in order to help with complicated set, props or costume changes. If not, you'll get a chance to see the result of your hard work by watching the show instead!


Front of House

If you're particularly busy and don't have time to help during the run-up to a production, you can work as part of the Front of House team during a show instead. This includes selling tickets and refreshments, recording audience numbers, promoting other upcoming productions and liaising with the Stage Manager with regards to fire marshalling and health and safety procedures. If you work on Front of House for all three performances of a production, then you can see the show for free on one of the nights!

Not sure what you're interested in?
Don't panic if you don't see something that you're interested in straight away! Being part of the backstage crew is incredibly flexible and relaxed. You're encouraged to try lots of different disciplines to see what you enjoy doing... if you want to, you could do three different disciplines each term, one for each of the shows!


If interested in any aspects, do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing, contacting us on our Facebook page or emailing the respective committee member:

Stage Management: Sean Thurgood (
Technical Manager: Sam Wharvell (
Costume Manager: Giulia Marziliano (
Props Manager: Jordan Francis (
Front of House Manager: Chris Vincent (

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