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This term, we currently have two confirmed upcoming productions... a third will be announced soon! Check our Facebook page for more details about each production, including audition times and locations. Feel free to email or message the directors for more information!

Mistress of the Inn (22nd-24th November 2017)

By Carlo Goldoni,

Directed by Giulia Marziliano and Francesca Difede

The play is set in the 1700s, at an inn run by a woman who uses her femininity to keep the clients. That is, until one day a knight who hates women turns up...

Mort (6th-8th December 2017)

By Terry Pratchett, Adapted by Stephen Briggs

Directed by Izzy Woolrych and Sean Thurgood

Death, the living embodiment of the end of life within the Discworld, takes on an apprentice named Mort. As Mort learns the trade of reaping souls, his humanity gets the better of him and he saves someone who should have died. This upsets the universe and it's now up to Mort and friends to put the universe to rights. Death could probably sort it, but unfortunately, he's on holiday...

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